Help Us Build a Safety Net for Youth!
$100 buys one month of groceries and personal items for one youth
$250 buys one move-in kit (kit includes essentials for the kitchen, bedroom, and laundry supplies)
$50 buys five transportation vouchers,
$500 provides diapers. wipes and baby supplies for one month at the Maternity Group Home,
$1000 provides rent for one family
Our Mission
To support youth and young adults recovering from the trauma of homelessness and family separation through housing, healthcare, and advocacy.

Our Programs
Youth Oasis’ programming is designed to provide support services to youth and young adults and their families as they face challenging situations. These programs aim to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty in our community and in turn, throughout our state. Our programs are designed to address youth needs in the following areas:
Our Diversion Program & Drop-in Center provides resources, food, clothing, counseling, and healthcare referrals for youth ages 13-25 to help them avoid family separation.
We provide Emergency Shelter and Short-term Housing options for youth ages 16-21.
Geared towards the specific needs of youth with lived experience of homelessness and at-risk LGBTQ+ individuals, all residents receive at least a year of support services after their program ends.
Youth Oasis Updates
Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our current offerings, events, and new programming.
Review our Press Releases for official announcements.
...but this is only 1.5% of Louisiana’s youth that live apart from their families because of abuse or neglect. Your support helps us expand our programs and carry out our mission.
Discover more impact here.